Student's Company
Student-run Company
Through a partnership with Raiffeisenbank Donau-Heuberg, initiated by the bank, a student-run company named "Genoname" was established. It consists of students from grades 8 to 10.
What is a Student-run Company?
A student-run company operates on the democratic principles of a cooperative. In a cooperative, people come together to make a difference. One becomes a member by taking a share in the cooperative. Every member has voting rights. With their votes, members elect the supervisory board and the board of directors. The rule is: every member has a say in what happens in the cooperative.
How does the Student's Company Work?
Student cooperatives allow students to experience economics and cooperative principles such as mutual help, self-responsibility, and self-administration.
The structure of a student cooperative includes the general assembly, supervisory board, and board of directors.
In student cooperatives, students largely independently and responsibly develop business ideas, organizational structures, and workflows. They create products and services that are offered both within the school and externally.
Students are supported by teachers, the local partner cooperative, and the BWGV (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative Association).
Business Ideas of the Student-run Company "Genoname"
a) Sale of Drinks and School Supplies During the two major breaks, students have the opportunity to buy drinks and school supplies at market prices from the cooperative, addressing some of their daily needs.
b) Baking Day In the school's own clay oven, tarte flambée, pizza, or bread are baked. These are very popular, and the demand usually far exceeds the supply.