Grund- und Gemeinschaftsschule Obere Donau - phone: 07463 / 99 51-0 -
Welcome to the service page of the Grund- und Gemeinschaftsschule Obere Donau! Here you will find all essential information and services to facilitate your daily school life:
- Forms: Access to all necessary forms for registrations, leaves of absence, and more.
- Lunch Information about the current menu and registration for school lunches.
- Teachers in Training at the Grund- und Gemeinschaftsschule Obere Donau Information for prospective teachers about opportunities and support offered.
- Internships Opportunities for students and external candidates to gain practical experience at our school.
- FSJ and BFD Information about opportunities to do a voluntary social year at our school.
- Lockers: Rental and usage of lockers for students.
- Digital:
- Access to our digital learning platform for homework and instructional materials.
- Threema: Use of Threema for secure communication between teachers and students.
- WebUntis: Platform for schedules, substitution plans, and school events.
For more information on each service, please navigate through the appropriate links.